5171 Victoria Dr (DP-2021-00220) development application

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The Director of Planning approved this application, and a Development Permit was issued on June 8, 2021.

Bowen Hub Integrative Healing has applied to the City of Vancouver for permission to perform a change of use of approximately 346 sq.ft. from a Retail Store to a Health Enhancement Center in the existing mixed-use building, consisting of:

  • Proposed hours of operation: 9 am - 8 pm, Monday to Saturday

Under the site’s existing C-2 zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted. However, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.

Bowen Hub Integrative Healing has applied to the City of Vancouver for permission to perform a change of use of approximately 346 sq.ft. from a Retail Store to a Health Enhancement Center in the existing mixed-use building, consisting of:

  • Proposed hours of operation: 9 am - 8 pm, Monday to Saturday

Under the site’s existing C-2 zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted. However, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.