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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on April 12, 2022.
We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 6409-6487 Cambie St. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 10-storey mixed-use building. The zoning would change from RT-1 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal includes:
Commercial retail space at grade with live/work units at the lane
10,177 sq. m (109,549 sq. ft.) of office space on levels two to seven
37-space childcare facility on level two
48 strata residential units
A building height of 38.4 m (126 ft.)
A total floor area of 15,949 sq. m (171,669 sq. ft.)
A floor space ratio (FSR) of 4.68
226 underground parking spaces and 193 Class A bicycle spaces
A previous rezoning application submitted for this site has been withdrawn. This application is similar to the previous proposal; however, the residential space on levels four to seven has been replace with office space.
In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), an extended online question and answer (Q&A) period was held in place of an in-person open house for this project.
We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 6409-6487 Cambie St. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 10-storey mixed-use building. The zoning would change from RT-1 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal includes:
Commercial retail space at grade with live/work units at the lane
10,177 sq. m (109,549 sq. ft.) of office space on levels two to seven
37-space childcare facility on level two
48 strata residential units
A building height of 38.4 m (126 ft.)
A total floor area of 15,949 sq. m (171,669 sq. ft.)
A floor space ratio (FSR) of 4.68
226 underground parking spaces and 193 Class A bicycle spaces
A previous rezoning application submitted for this site has been withdrawn. This application is similar to the previous proposal; however, the residential space on levels four to seven has been replace with office space.
In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), an extended online question and answer (Q&A) period was held in place of an in-person open house for this project.