Why are you renewing Collingwood Park?

    Collingwood Park is a 1.27 hectare park in the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood, two blocks north of Kingway. Through the VanPlay Initiative zone assessment, this area was identified as having low amounts of park space per resident, high demand for affordable and accessible recreation, and fewer street/park trees compared to other areas in the city.

    Many of the features in the park are nearing the end of their lifespan and will need to be replaced or improved as part of the renovation, in order to support a vibrant and growing community. Features to be upgraded or replaced include the playground, sports court, wading pool, pathways, field drainage and planting.

    Why is there no off-leash dog park?

    During the first round of engagement, we received several suggestions for improvements to the park, including the inclusion of an off-leash dog park. Staff explored several design options but ultimately determined that an off-leash area would conflict with existing park uses, including the baseball field and open lawn in the northeast corner used for picnicking, and was therefore not a feasible option. 

    Residents can visit the nearby off-leash dog parks located at John Hendry Park and Renfrew Park. 

    Will the washrooms be updated?

    The park's washrooms will be updated to provide a clean and accessible facility in the park, as part of the Park Board's Washroom Strategy. This work is separate from the Collingwood Park Renewal process but is tentative scheduled to be upgraded in 2023.  Further information on the Washroom Strategy can be found here: https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/parks-washroom-strategy.pdf

    Will the old slide in the playground be saved?

    Unfortunately due to the condition and new requirements for slides in playgrounds, the existing  slide will not be included in the new design. The new climbing structure will include two new slides to replace it.

    How will you make the park more accessible?

    New paths with hard surfacing will connect the different features of the park, allowing more access to space and amenities designed for accessibility. Other features such as the proposed playground will include rubber resilient surfacing, picnic tables will included a space for wheelchair users and other features will include at grade accessible entries.  

    Could the wading pool stay in the park and a water feature be added?

    The wading pool in Collingwood Park must be removed as part of the park renewal. The plumbing is nearing the end of it service life and the pool no longer meets current by-laws for water use. We hope to replaced the pool with a small water feature that may includes inground spray heads. The inclusion of this feature in the renewal is subject to permit approval.