Vancouver Quality of Life Survey
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The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) invited Vancouver to take part in a global quality-of-life measurement pilot project as one of 11 cities worldwide. UN-Habitat’s Quality of Life Initiative is developing a new tool to measure quality of life in cities.
To support the project, the City is asking residents to complete a survey. The survey asks a range of questions related to how residents experience quality of life in Vancouver, including their level of satisfaction with different public services and spaces. In addition to services provided by the City of Vancouver, the survey includes questions about services provided by other agencies, such as public transit, healthcare, or schools. These questions are being asked in all pilot cities to benchmark global experiences of quality of life.
By participating in this survey, respondents will help City staff better understand how different communities in Vancouver experience the city, and how the City can better enable everyone to enjoy a high quality of life. Vancouver is updating its Healthy City Strategy as its overall social sustainability plan and the feedback from this survey will help understand key issues and opportunities. Responses will also contribute to the creation of the new UN tool designed to understand quality of life around the world.
How to get involved:
- Learn more about the UN-Habitat’s Quality of Life Initiative
- Complete the survey by end of day Tuesday, Oct.1
- Share this opportunity with your networks!
Next Steps:
- Findings from this survey will be released in late 2024.
- The survey will inform an update to Vancouver's Healthy City Strategy in 2025.