Council approves provisional goals for Vancouver Plan and directs additional engagement on rental housing initiatives
October 2020
In October 2020 Council approved 10 provisional goals for the Vancouver Plan, including two goals that are closely linked to key objectives of the Secured Rental Policy:
- Develop an Affordable City with Diverse and Secure Housing for every resident that they can afford with 30% or less of their household income
- Achieve Complete, Connected and Culturally Vibrant Neighbourhoods
- Become a Sustainable, Carbon Neutral City
For more information on work underway as part of these provisional goals and opportunities to get involved, visit:
- Planning Vancouver Together: Housing
- Planning Vancouver Together: Complete, Connected Neighbourhoods
- Planning Vancouver Together: Vancouver Plan
As part of subsequent work on the Vancouver Plan, including continued public engagement on the provisional goals and community recovery and quick-start actions, Council directed staff to conduct additional city-wide and neighbourhood engagement on opportunities to increase rental housing in C-2 zones and low density transition areas through the Secured Rental Policy, as well as ways to increase social housing.
Read more about the provisional goals in the Council report and on Council’s direction in the meeting minutes
Consultation has concluded