Streamlining Rental Approved by Council
As part of the City’s commitment to addressing the climate emergency and housing crisis, City Council has approved policy updates and zoning changes that will create more complete, connected and walkable neighbourhoods in Vancouver by speeding up the delivery of rental housing in local shopping areas and nearby low density areas.
The changes approved on December 14, 2021 take action on key policy directions identified by the Secured Rental Policy, which was approved in November 2019. The report and details of Council’s decision can be found on the public hearing meeting page.
Staff are now preparing for implementation, and the updated policy and zoning changes are planned to take effect as of February 14, 2022. No new applications under the new policy and zoning will be accepted until that date. Stay tuned for updates as finalized materials are posted here and at in early 2022.
Questions about the Streamlining Rental changes can be directed to
Consultation has concluded