Launching Public Engagement 2: Co-designing for Co-benefits
We are now launching our second phase of public engagement for the St. George Rainway project. In the first phase we got a better understanding of how you envision the project, and what you value most. We are now inviting you to dig into the design and share your ideas for the Rainway. Together, we will come up with potential design elements and ideas that will deliver important rainwater management and drainage functions, promote active transportation, and bring exciting co-benefits to the neighbourhood.
After this phase is complete, City staff will use the ideas submitted to develop several design options for the Rainway, which will be brought back to the public for comments in Phase 3.
There are 3 ways to participate in this phase of engagement.
Virtual Design Workshop, June 1st 6:30-8:30 pm (Registration Required):
In this online workshop we will be collecting ideas for how to enhance the green rainwater infrastructure and active transportation functions of the Rainway and deliver other benefits and amenities to the neighbourhood. Join us to co-design for:
- Mobility
- Learning
- Nature
- Community
Registration required. To register, visit
Online Survey:
Share your ideas for the design of the St. George Rainway! Our upcoming survey builds on the ideas collected in our June 1st workshop and provides the opportunity for even more people to share their thoughts.
The survey will be posted here and open from June 14-July 4th.
Sensorial Walk:
We’ve recorded a sensorial walk audio tour of St. George and put it online! The walk launches the last week of May. Check here or sign up for our mailing list (button on the right) for updates, or find the signage posted along St. George Street to start exploring your neighbourhood in a new way.