Tatlow Park playground renewal

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Consultation has concluded

Well used and aging playground equipment at the Tatlow Park playground near W 2nd Ave and Macdonald St.

The Vancouver Park Board is planning a renewal for the well used playground in Tatlow Park due to its age and condition.

What's Happening
Public engagement has concluded at this time, please visit the Recent Updates below for summary of the results and refined concept design. 

Construction of the playground has been delayed and is now anticipated to start in the fall with completion in early 2025.

The Vancouver Park Board is planning a renewal for the well used playground in Tatlow Park due to its age and condition.

What's Happening
Public engagement has concluded at this time, please visit the Recent Updates below for summary of the results and refined concept design. 

Construction of the playground has been delayed and is now anticipated to start in the fall with completion in early 2025.

Consultation has concluded
  • Refined concept design

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    The refined playground design has been developed based on public feedback received in Spring 2021. Remaining in the existing location, close to the washrooms, the revised playground includes a greater variety of fun, new play features, improved accessibility while minimizing the impact to the existing trees.

    Please click on the Tatlow Playground Refined Concept Design to see the proposed design and features.

  • Survey results

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    Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our questionnaire.

    We received over 619 completed surveys and written comments telling us what you would like to see in the renewed playground.

    Please click on the Tatlow Playground Engagement Summary to see a summary of what we heard.

    When residents considered which of the two concepts they preferred, a small majority said they would like to see the playground rebuilt in its current location, near the field house (Concept A). We have begun to refine this preferred concept to reflect the feedback we received. While not all features requested will be possible, we will incorporate many into the new design to create a great new playground. Once completed this summer, the revised concept will be available for residents to view on this web site, as well as displayed on a sign in the park.

    Thank you again for your interest this project.