208-232 W 41st Ave rezoning application

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We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 208-232 W 41st Ave. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 15-storey mixed-use building. The zoning would change from R1-1 (Residential Inclusive) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal includes:

  • 156 secured market rental residential units
  • Commercial retail space at grade
  • Partial 16th storey common amenity space
  • Floor space ratio (FSR) of 5.84
  • Floor area of 12,391 sq. m (132, 303 sq. ft.)
  • Maximum building height of 50.78 m (169 ft.)
  • 95 vehicle parking spaces and 290 bicycle parking spaces

The application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 208-232 W 41st Ave. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 15-storey mixed-use building. The zoning would change from R1-1 (Residential Inclusive) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal includes:

  • 156 secured market rental residential units
  • Commercial retail space at grade
  • Partial 16th storey common amenity space
  • Floor space ratio (FSR) of 5.84
  • Floor area of 12,391 sq. m (132, 303 sq. ft.)
  • Maximum building height of 50.78 m (169 ft.)
  • 95 vehicle parking spaces and 290 bicycle parking spaces

The application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

The virtual open house has concluded. Please use the “Send your comments” tab or contact the Planner directly for any further feedback. Thank you for participating.
  • Share Are the elevators, and the lobby that serves them, accessible both by the residential tenants, as well as the general public? If they are, are there ways to improve the privacy / security for the residents of the townhomes that are accessed by that corridor? on Facebook Share Are the elevators, and the lobby that serves them, accessible both by the residential tenants, as well as the general public? If they are, are there ways to improve the privacy / security for the residents of the townhomes that are accessed by that corridor? on Twitter Share Are the elevators, and the lobby that serves them, accessible both by the residential tenants, as well as the general public? If they are, are there ways to improve the privacy / security for the residents of the townhomes that are accessed by that corridor? on Linkedin Email Are the elevators, and the lobby that serves them, accessible both by the residential tenants, as well as the general public? If they are, are there ways to improve the privacy / security for the residents of the townhomes that are accessed by that corridor? link

    Are the elevators, and the lobby that serves them, accessible both by the residential tenants, as well as the general public? If they are, are there ways to improve the privacy / security for the residents of the townhomes that are accessed by that corridor?

    Silent_Echo asked about 4 years ago

    The lobby and elevators are only accessed by the residents of the building. The commercial units do not have access to the elevators. The 3 commercial parking stalls access the ground floor by the stairway on the west side of the building. The accessible parking stall has been located at grade to remove the need for commercial elevator access from the parkade. This configuration will be reviewed by engineering staff.

Page last updated: 26 Oct 2023, 01:34 PM