3353 Cambie St rezoning application

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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on June 17th, 2021.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 3353 Cambie St. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 6-storey office building. The zoning would change from C-2 (commercial) to CD-1 (comprehensive development). The proposal includes:

  • Ground floor commercial use
  • Private childcare on level 2
  • Office space on levels 3 to 6
  • Floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.0
  • Floor area of 2,586 sq. m (27,839 sq. ft.)
  • Maximum height of 23.8 m (78 ft.)
  • 36 vehicle parking spaces and 10 bicycle parking spaces

The application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan.

In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), an extended online question and answer (Q&A) period was held in place of an in-person open house for this project.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 3353 Cambie St. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 6-storey office building. The zoning would change from C-2 (commercial) to CD-1 (comprehensive development). The proposal includes:

  • Ground floor commercial use
  • Private childcare on level 2
  • Office space on levels 3 to 6
  • Floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.0
  • Floor area of 2,586 sq. m (27,839 sq. ft.)
  • Maximum height of 23.8 m (78 ft.)
  • 36 vehicle parking spaces and 10 bicycle parking spaces

The application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan.

In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), an extended online question and answer (Q&A) period was held in place of an in-person open house for this project.

This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on June 17th, 2021.

  • Share Public Benefit (CAC): On the boards shown, proponent claims two public benefits: the private daycare, and the employment accommodated by the office uses. The latter is simply silly, as they are rent-paying tenants (or strata office buyers) creating the return to the building owner. However, to what degree is the City considering the daycare as public benefit? Is it a for-profit daycare, and how does that fit with policy? Will there be any other CAC contributions? Is there a standard CAC for Cambie Corridor that this is subject to, or is it an individual consideration as with many other CD rezonings? on Facebook Share Public Benefit (CAC): On the boards shown, proponent claims two public benefits: the private daycare, and the employment accommodated by the office uses. The latter is simply silly, as they are rent-paying tenants (or strata office buyers) creating the return to the building owner. However, to what degree is the City considering the daycare as public benefit? Is it a for-profit daycare, and how does that fit with policy? Will there be any other CAC contributions? Is there a standard CAC for Cambie Corridor that this is subject to, or is it an individual consideration as with many other CD rezonings? on Twitter Share Public Benefit (CAC): On the boards shown, proponent claims two public benefits: the private daycare, and the employment accommodated by the office uses. The latter is simply silly, as they are rent-paying tenants (or strata office buyers) creating the return to the building owner. However, to what degree is the City considering the daycare as public benefit? Is it a for-profit daycare, and how does that fit with policy? Will there be any other CAC contributions? Is there a standard CAC for Cambie Corridor that this is subject to, or is it an individual consideration as with many other CD rezonings? on Linkedin Email Public Benefit (CAC): On the boards shown, proponent claims two public benefits: the private daycare, and the employment accommodated by the office uses. The latter is simply silly, as they are rent-paying tenants (or strata office buyers) creating the return to the building owner. However, to what degree is the City considering the daycare as public benefit? Is it a for-profit daycare, and how does that fit with policy? Will there be any other CAC contributions? Is there a standard CAC for Cambie Corridor that this is subject to, or is it an individual consideration as with many other CD rezonings? link

    Public Benefit (CAC): On the boards shown, proponent claims two public benefits: the private daycare, and the employment accommodated by the office uses. The latter is simply silly, as they are rent-paying tenants (or strata office buyers) creating the return to the building owner. However, to what degree is the City considering the daycare as public benefit? Is it a for-profit daycare, and how does that fit with policy? Will there be any other CAC contributions? Is there a standard CAC for Cambie Corridor that this is subject to, or is it an individual consideration as with many other CD rezonings?

    Trish French asked almost 4 years ago

    If the proposal included strata residential use, then this site would be subject to a fixed CAC target rate as seen on Table 1 (Map B) of the CAC Policy. However, the proposal consists of commercial, childcare, and office uses. Therefore, a negotiated CAC will be sought that will take into consideration the proposed childcare (including its for-profit nature). For more information on CACs, please see the Community  Amenity Contributions Policy for Rezonings

  • Share Could the building not have north and/or south windows on the upper floors, that would be converted to solid walls if and when taller buildings are constructed on either side of it? The aesthetics of solid walls are not great for both those outside and inside those floors. on Facebook Share Could the building not have north and/or south windows on the upper floors, that would be converted to solid walls if and when taller buildings are constructed on either side of it? The aesthetics of solid walls are not great for both those outside and inside those floors. on Twitter Share Could the building not have north and/or south windows on the upper floors, that would be converted to solid walls if and when taller buildings are constructed on either side of it? The aesthetics of solid walls are not great for both those outside and inside those floors. on Linkedin Email Could the building not have north and/or south windows on the upper floors, that would be converted to solid walls if and when taller buildings are constructed on either side of it? The aesthetics of solid walls are not great for both those outside and inside those floors. link

    Could the building not have north and/or south windows on the upper floors, that would be converted to solid walls if and when taller buildings are constructed on either side of it? The aesthetics of solid walls are not great for both those outside and inside those floors.

    RobB asked almost 4 years ago

    The adjacent properties are expected to redevelop with no setbacks. The typical practice is to not construct windows that would be covered by redevelopment on the adjacent site. The building core (stairwell and elevator shaft) runs along the north side of the building, which also precludes the possibility of installing windows there.  

  • Share Does the City have any policies, programs or funding to assist existing businesses in temporarily or permanently re-locating while the new building is constructed, and moving back in once the new building is completed? on Facebook Share Does the City have any policies, programs or funding to assist existing businesses in temporarily or permanently re-locating while the new building is constructed, and moving back in once the new building is completed? on Twitter Share Does the City have any policies, programs or funding to assist existing businesses in temporarily or permanently re-locating while the new building is constructed, and moving back in once the new building is completed? on Linkedin Email Does the City have any policies, programs or funding to assist existing businesses in temporarily or permanently re-locating while the new building is constructed, and moving back in once the new building is completed? link

    Does the City have any policies, programs or funding to assist existing businesses in temporarily or permanently re-locating while the new building is constructed, and moving back in once the new building is completed?

    RobB asked almost 4 years ago

    Please see the Small Business Portal for more information and resources on supporting small businesses. The City does not offer funding for relocating businesses. Grants, loans, and financial assistance is available at federal level depending on eligibility.

  • Share How about a glass rain cover projecting out over of the Cambie St. sidewalk? on Facebook Share How about a glass rain cover projecting out over of the Cambie St. sidewalk? on Twitter Share How about a glass rain cover projecting out over of the Cambie St. sidewalk? on Linkedin Email How about a glass rain cover projecting out over of the Cambie St. sidewalk? link

    How about a glass rain cover projecting out over of the Cambie St. sidewalk?

    RobB asked almost 4 years ago

    Glass awnings are depicted in project renderings and sections

  • Share The floorplans only show 1 restaurant space and 3 retail spaces, whereas currently there are 3 restaurants and 1 hair salon. This would seem to indicate that existing restaurants may not be able to move back in, and future restaurants could not open. Is that correct, and if so, why the decrease in restaurant spaces? on Facebook Share The floorplans only show 1 restaurant space and 3 retail spaces, whereas currently there are 3 restaurants and 1 hair salon. This would seem to indicate that existing restaurants may not be able to move back in, and future restaurants could not open. Is that correct, and if so, why the decrease in restaurant spaces? on Twitter Share The floorplans only show 1 restaurant space and 3 retail spaces, whereas currently there are 3 restaurants and 1 hair salon. This would seem to indicate that existing restaurants may not be able to move back in, and future restaurants could not open. Is that correct, and if so, why the decrease in restaurant spaces? on Linkedin Email The floorplans only show 1 restaurant space and 3 retail spaces, whereas currently there are 3 restaurants and 1 hair salon. This would seem to indicate that existing restaurants may not be able to move back in, and future restaurants could not open. Is that correct, and if so, why the decrease in restaurant spaces? link

    The floorplans only show 1 restaurant space and 3 retail spaces, whereas currently there are 3 restaurants and 1 hair salon. This would seem to indicate that existing restaurants may not be able to move back in, and future restaurants could not open. Is that correct, and if so, why the decrease in restaurant spaces?

    RobB asked almost 4 years ago

    Please see the response on the previous question, also copied here: Leases in the proposed new building will be managed by the owner/lessor. The City does not regulate businesses returning to the same location. The current businesses would need to make arrangements with the building owner/lessor about returning to the new building. The design scheme and mix of businesses desired within the future commercial units are determined the owner/lessor.

  • Share The site plan PDF shows "residential" on the upper floors, but this webpage make no mention of that, and neither does the "Statistics / Project Data" PDF. Is the Site Plan PDF outdated, or are there going to be residential units? on Facebook Share The site plan PDF shows "residential" on the upper floors, but this webpage make no mention of that, and neither does the "Statistics / Project Data" PDF. Is the Site Plan PDF outdated, or are there going to be residential units? on Twitter Share The site plan PDF shows "residential" on the upper floors, but this webpage make no mention of that, and neither does the "Statistics / Project Data" PDF. Is the Site Plan PDF outdated, or are there going to be residential units? on Linkedin Email The site plan PDF shows "residential" on the upper floors, but this webpage make no mention of that, and neither does the "Statistics / Project Data" PDF. Is the Site Plan PDF outdated, or are there going to be residential units? link

    The site plan PDF shows "residential" on the upper floors, but this webpage make no mention of that, and neither does the "Statistics / Project Data" PDF. Is the Site Plan PDF outdated, or are there going to be residential units?

    RobB asked almost 4 years ago

    The Site Plan shows the adjacent property at 3345 Cambie St. The labels for “residential above retail” refers to that property, and not 3353 Cambie St.

  • Share On the "statistics PDF" do we look at the Class A column or the Class B column for Loading, Bicycle Spaces and End-of-trip facilities? In either column, why are there no Bicycle Spaces assigned to Childcare and Restaurant? on Facebook Share On the "statistics PDF" do we look at the Class A column or the Class B column for Loading, Bicycle Spaces and End-of-trip facilities? In either column, why are there no Bicycle Spaces assigned to Childcare and Restaurant? on Twitter Share On the "statistics PDF" do we look at the Class A column or the Class B column for Loading, Bicycle Spaces and End-of-trip facilities? In either column, why are there no Bicycle Spaces assigned to Childcare and Restaurant? on Linkedin Email On the "statistics PDF" do we look at the Class A column or the Class B column for Loading, Bicycle Spaces and End-of-trip facilities? In either column, why are there no Bicycle Spaces assigned to Childcare and Restaurant? link

    On the "statistics PDF" do we look at the Class A column or the Class B column for Loading, Bicycle Spaces and End-of-trip facilities? In either column, why are there no Bicycle Spaces assigned to Childcare and Restaurant?

    RobB asked almost 4 years ago

    Section of the Parking By-law does not have any requirements for bicycle parking for Child Day Care Facilities. Section outlines requirements for retail and service use (including restaurant). City Staff conduct a “technical check” on all parking/loading provided in the proposal. Any discrepancies will be identified and communicated to the applicant. This proposal will be required to meet the standards set out in the Parking By-law.

  • Share Previous new buildings in Cambie Village have had their retail spaces filled by large chain businesses such as Subway and Shoppers Drug Mart. What can be done to ensure that business lease rates in a brand new building are affordable to local, independent businesses, and not just generic chain businesses? on Facebook Share Previous new buildings in Cambie Village have had their retail spaces filled by large chain businesses such as Subway and Shoppers Drug Mart. What can be done to ensure that business lease rates in a brand new building are affordable to local, independent businesses, and not just generic chain businesses? on Twitter Share Previous new buildings in Cambie Village have had their retail spaces filled by large chain businesses such as Subway and Shoppers Drug Mart. What can be done to ensure that business lease rates in a brand new building are affordable to local, independent businesses, and not just generic chain businesses? on Linkedin Email Previous new buildings in Cambie Village have had their retail spaces filled by large chain businesses such as Subway and Shoppers Drug Mart. What can be done to ensure that business lease rates in a brand new building are affordable to local, independent businesses, and not just generic chain businesses? link

    Previous new buildings in Cambie Village have had their retail spaces filled by large chain businesses such as Subway and Shoppers Drug Mart. What can be done to ensure that business lease rates in a brand new building are affordable to local, independent businesses, and not just generic chain businesses?

    RobB asked almost 4 years ago

    The City is able to regulate different uses within a building, but does not regulate tenancies. The application is proposing 4 CRU spaces to maintain the small scale of the storefronts, which is intended to be more favourable for smaller local businesses.

  • Share Based on Robert's question, the provided answer, the renderings of the proposed new building, and the architecture of other newer buildings in the area (example the Olive building between 16th and 17th), the new storefronts will all look exactly the same, metal and mostly glass. There will be ZERO character. Look at Google streetview to see how the existing buildings and storefronts have character and are differentiated. Can you *please* ask the applicant and their architect to differentiate the street-level business units? If Cambie Village is slowly redeveloped with larger buildings such as this, the look and feel that makes it so attractive will be eroded. on Facebook Share Based on Robert's question, the provided answer, the renderings of the proposed new building, and the architecture of other newer buildings in the area (example the Olive building between 16th and 17th), the new storefronts will all look exactly the same, metal and mostly glass. There will be ZERO character. Look at Google streetview to see how the existing buildings and storefronts have character and are differentiated. Can you *please* ask the applicant and their architect to differentiate the street-level business units? If Cambie Village is slowly redeveloped with larger buildings such as this, the look and feel that makes it so attractive will be eroded. on Twitter Share Based on Robert's question, the provided answer, the renderings of the proposed new building, and the architecture of other newer buildings in the area (example the Olive building between 16th and 17th), the new storefronts will all look exactly the same, metal and mostly glass. There will be ZERO character. Look at Google streetview to see how the existing buildings and storefronts have character and are differentiated. Can you *please* ask the applicant and their architect to differentiate the street-level business units? If Cambie Village is slowly redeveloped with larger buildings such as this, the look and feel that makes it so attractive will be eroded. on Linkedin Email Based on Robert's question, the provided answer, the renderings of the proposed new building, and the architecture of other newer buildings in the area (example the Olive building between 16th and 17th), the new storefronts will all look exactly the same, metal and mostly glass. There will be ZERO character. Look at Google streetview to see how the existing buildings and storefronts have character and are differentiated. Can you *please* ask the applicant and their architect to differentiate the street-level business units? If Cambie Village is slowly redeveloped with larger buildings such as this, the look and feel that makes it so attractive will be eroded. link

    Based on Robert's question, the provided answer, the renderings of the proposed new building, and the architecture of other newer buildings in the area (example the Olive building between 16th and 17th), the new storefronts will all look exactly the same, metal and mostly glass. There will be ZERO character. Look at Google streetview to see how the existing buildings and storefronts have character and are differentiated. Can you *please* ask the applicant and their architect to differentiate the street-level business units? If Cambie Village is slowly redeveloped with larger buildings such as this, the look and feel that makes it so attractive will be eroded.

    RobB asked almost 4 years ago

    Feedback about materiality and architectural expression can be submitted through the comment form. Comments submitted through the form will be summarized and included in the rezoning report to Council. If the rezoning proposal is approved by Council, there will be future opportunities to submit feedback when the development permit is submitted.

  • Share Can the City provide info on the predicted percentage increase in business lease costs in the proposed new building, compared to the existing lease costs in the existing buildings? on Facebook Share Can the City provide info on the predicted percentage increase in business lease costs in the proposed new building, compared to the existing lease costs in the existing buildings? on Twitter Share Can the City provide info on the predicted percentage increase in business lease costs in the proposed new building, compared to the existing lease costs in the existing buildings? on Linkedin Email Can the City provide info on the predicted percentage increase in business lease costs in the proposed new building, compared to the existing lease costs in the existing buildings? link

    Can the City provide info on the predicted percentage increase in business lease costs in the proposed new building, compared to the existing lease costs in the existing buildings?

    RobB asked almost 4 years ago

    Lease costs for the retail and office units would be determined by the building owner. You can visit our partner at bizmap.ca for more information about lease rates for specific neighbourhoods of the city. Typically lease rates are calculated in aggregate and not shared for specific businesses.