7018 Main St rezoning application

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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on May 9, 2023.

Revised Application (July 25, 2022)

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 208 E 54th Ave, 7018-7078 Main St and 211 E 55th Ave. The proposal is to allow for the development of a six-storey mixed-use building. The rezoning would change from RT-2 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal includes:

  • 131 secured market rental units
  • Commercial retail space at grade
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.62
  • A gross floor area of 9,695.53 sq. m (104,351 sq. ft.)
  • A building height of 20.3 m (66.6 ft.) with rooftop access to outdoor amenity space
  • 101 vehicle parking spaces and 216 bicycle parking spaces

This is a revised application from a previous proposal submitted on March 1, 2021. Key changes from the previous version include:

  • Removing the private childcare space
  • Increasing the setback at the lane from 2 ft. to 15 ft.
  • Reducing the density to 3.62 FSR

The application is being considered under the Affordable Housing Choices Interim Rezoning Policy.

Rezoning Application (March 1, 2021)

The original rezoning application, submitted on March 1, 2021, consisted of a proposal to allow for the development of two six-storey mixed-use buildings, and included:

  • 124 secured market rental units
  • Commercial retail space at grade
  • Daycare space for 37 children located on the second floor
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.66
  • A gross floor area of 9,809.32 sq. m (105,587 sq. ft.)
  • A height of 20.3 m (76 ft.) with an additional partial storey for a rooftop amenity space
  • 102 vehicle parking spaces and 222 bicycle parking spaces

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.


Revised Application (July 25, 2022)

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 208 E 54th Ave, 7018-7078 Main St and 211 E 55th Ave. The proposal is to allow for the development of a six-storey mixed-use building. The rezoning would change from RT-2 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal includes:

  • 131 secured market rental units
  • Commercial retail space at grade
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.62
  • A gross floor area of 9,695.53 sq. m (104,351 sq. ft.)
  • A building height of 20.3 m (66.6 ft.) with rooftop access to outdoor amenity space
  • 101 vehicle parking spaces and 216 bicycle parking spaces

This is a revised application from a previous proposal submitted on March 1, 2021. Key changes from the previous version include:

  • Removing the private childcare space
  • Increasing the setback at the lane from 2 ft. to 15 ft.
  • Reducing the density to 3.62 FSR

The application is being considered under the Affordable Housing Choices Interim Rezoning Policy.

Rezoning Application (March 1, 2021)

The original rezoning application, submitted on March 1, 2021, consisted of a proposal to allow for the development of two six-storey mixed-use buildings, and included:

  • 124 secured market rental units
  • Commercial retail space at grade
  • Daycare space for 37 children located on the second floor
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.66
  • A gross floor area of 9,809.32 sq. m (105,587 sq. ft.)
  • A height of 20.3 m (76 ft.) with an additional partial storey for a rooftop amenity space
  • 102 vehicle parking spaces and 222 bicycle parking spaces

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.


This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on May 9, 2023.

Q&A is available from June 7 to June 27, 2021.

Q&A replaces in-person open houses, which are on hold due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days.

  • Share How does this project creates a distinct separation laneway from the homes on the East side of the lane? on Facebook Share How does this project creates a distinct separation laneway from the homes on the East side of the lane? on Twitter Share How does this project creates a distinct separation laneway from the homes on the East side of the lane? on Linkedin Email How does this project creates a distinct separation laneway from the homes on the East side of the lane? link

    How does this project creates a distinct separation laneway from the homes on the East side of the lane?

    Trevor Lobo asked about 3 years ago

    The proposal seeks to create separation from the laneway by including setbacks on the upper floors and through increased setbacks and amenity areas in the central portion of the building. Landscaping is also proposed on the ground and upper floors. Staff will work with the applicant through the rezoning application process to improve how the proposal interacts with the laneway.

  • Share We have online and paper signed petition opposing this project and to revise it to a 3.5 storey residential instead of 6 storey CD-1. How do we let the city council members hear our feedback and consider to revise this project to 3.5 storey residential building? on Facebook Share We have online and paper signed petition opposing this project and to revise it to a 3.5 storey residential instead of 6 storey CD-1. How do we let the city council members hear our feedback and consider to revise this project to 3.5 storey residential building? on Twitter Share We have online and paper signed petition opposing this project and to revise it to a 3.5 storey residential instead of 6 storey CD-1. How do we let the city council members hear our feedback and consider to revise this project to 3.5 storey residential building? on Linkedin Email We have online and paper signed petition opposing this project and to revise it to a 3.5 storey residential instead of 6 storey CD-1. How do we let the city council members hear our feedback and consider to revise this project to 3.5 storey residential building? link

    We have online and paper signed petition opposing this project and to revise it to a 3.5 storey residential instead of 6 storey CD-1. How do we let the city council members hear our feedback and consider to revise this project to 3.5 storey residential building?

    Trevor Lobo asked about 3 years ago

    All feedback on this website, as well as by email to 7018main@vancouver.ca, will contribute to the assessment of the proposal. Feedback will be reviewed by staff, and summarized in a report to Council. 

    Should the project proceed on to a Public Hearing, the neighbourhood will be re-notified of the Hearing date and will be provided with information on how to sign-up to speak at the Hearing. Here is some information on how to prepare and sign up to speak at a public hearing: https://vancouver.ca/your-government/speak-at-city-council-meetings.aspx 

  • Share Your responses to questions thus far have come across as canned. Full of links and other language that is not accessible to this demographic, requiring an university degree to understand. How are you ensuring that residents are truly aware of what this development will do to the neighbourhood? Diligent neighbours have done their best to educate and ensure awareness, collecting signatures of those opposed but the responses seem dismissive of this fact. on Facebook Share Your responses to questions thus far have come across as canned. Full of links and other language that is not accessible to this demographic, requiring an university degree to understand. How are you ensuring that residents are truly aware of what this development will do to the neighbourhood? Diligent neighbours have done their best to educate and ensure awareness, collecting signatures of those opposed but the responses seem dismissive of this fact. on Twitter Share Your responses to questions thus far have come across as canned. Full of links and other language that is not accessible to this demographic, requiring an university degree to understand. How are you ensuring that residents are truly aware of what this development will do to the neighbourhood? Diligent neighbours have done their best to educate and ensure awareness, collecting signatures of those opposed but the responses seem dismissive of this fact. on Linkedin Email Your responses to questions thus far have come across as canned. Full of links and other language that is not accessible to this demographic, requiring an university degree to understand. How are you ensuring that residents are truly aware of what this development will do to the neighbourhood? Diligent neighbours have done their best to educate and ensure awareness, collecting signatures of those opposed but the responses seem dismissive of this fact. link

    Your responses to questions thus far have come across as canned. Full of links and other language that is not accessible to this demographic, requiring an university degree to understand. How are you ensuring that residents are truly aware of what this development will do to the neighbourhood? Diligent neighbours have done their best to educate and ensure awareness, collecting signatures of those opposed but the responses seem dismissive of this fact.

    m.haywardcheung asked about 3 years ago

    If anything is unclear, residents can contact Planning Staff for further information at any time through the rezoning process.

    The Shape Your city website aims to provide an overview of the project, while the video seeks to more clearly shows the proposal from a range of perspectives. Hyperlinks are provided for those who are looking for more information on certain policies or reports.  

  • Share This quiet neighbourhood has most houses already renting out to 1 to 2 families. This has created parking issues already. Your proposed solution of permit parking to address the additional parking challenges that will occur with adding 124 units into the neighbourhood underscores your lack of understanding of the sheer number of cars/traffic in the area. What do you mean by your comment that you will work with the developer "where possible" with respect to the shadowing that this type of development would create? Do you mean that secured rental housing will trump all other factors, including neighbourhood opposition? How does your proposed transit solution help people who don't work downtown but have to travel to Surrey, Langley, for work/school? on Facebook Share This quiet neighbourhood has most houses already renting out to 1 to 2 families. This has created parking issues already. Your proposed solution of permit parking to address the additional parking challenges that will occur with adding 124 units into the neighbourhood underscores your lack of understanding of the sheer number of cars/traffic in the area. What do you mean by your comment that you will work with the developer "where possible" with respect to the shadowing that this type of development would create? Do you mean that secured rental housing will trump all other factors, including neighbourhood opposition? How does your proposed transit solution help people who don't work downtown but have to travel to Surrey, Langley, for work/school? on Twitter Share This quiet neighbourhood has most houses already renting out to 1 to 2 families. This has created parking issues already. Your proposed solution of permit parking to address the additional parking challenges that will occur with adding 124 units into the neighbourhood underscores your lack of understanding of the sheer number of cars/traffic in the area. What do you mean by your comment that you will work with the developer "where possible" with respect to the shadowing that this type of development would create? Do you mean that secured rental housing will trump all other factors, including neighbourhood opposition? How does your proposed transit solution help people who don't work downtown but have to travel to Surrey, Langley, for work/school? on Linkedin Email This quiet neighbourhood has most houses already renting out to 1 to 2 families. This has created parking issues already. Your proposed solution of permit parking to address the additional parking challenges that will occur with adding 124 units into the neighbourhood underscores your lack of understanding of the sheer number of cars/traffic in the area. What do you mean by your comment that you will work with the developer "where possible" with respect to the shadowing that this type of development would create? Do you mean that secured rental housing will trump all other factors, including neighbourhood opposition? How does your proposed transit solution help people who don't work downtown but have to travel to Surrey, Langley, for work/school? link

    This quiet neighbourhood has most houses already renting out to 1 to 2 families. This has created parking issues already. Your proposed solution of permit parking to address the additional parking challenges that will occur with adding 124 units into the neighbourhood underscores your lack of understanding of the sheer number of cars/traffic in the area. What do you mean by your comment that you will work with the developer "where possible" with respect to the shadowing that this type of development would create? Do you mean that secured rental housing will trump all other factors, including neighbourhood opposition? How does your proposed transit solution help people who don't work downtown but have to travel to Surrey, Langley, for work/school?

    FJ asked about 3 years ago

    Staff will work with the applicant to reduce the level of shadowing, particularly where it might impact privately owned open spaces. A balance is sought between the need for rental housing and the shadowing impacts on surrounding properties. Any neighbourhood opposition will be considered as part of this review. 

    The No. 3 bus route also connects to the Marine Drive Station for access to Richmond and the Vancouver Airport. While New Westminster and Surrey can be accessed at the No. 100 bus route interchange on Marine Drive. The proposal includes 102 vehicle parking spaces for those who own cars and are unable to access transit. 

  • Share I have asked this question before and also called about the accessibility issue for individuals living in the neighbourhood for whom english is a second language and these are seniors who do not use the computer. In order to read the translation off of google from the Q&A you need to sign up for an account. We have been trying to support each other for translation. Both the card that was mailed to us on June 8 and the website has contents in english only. The translation page print outs -many sentences do not connect/make sense as it is literal word for word translate from the google app and of no use. How does the city plan to get feedback from these residents? on Facebook Share I have asked this question before and also called about the accessibility issue for individuals living in the neighbourhood for whom english is a second language and these are seniors who do not use the computer. In order to read the translation off of google from the Q&A you need to sign up for an account. We have been trying to support each other for translation. Both the card that was mailed to us on June 8 and the website has contents in english only. The translation page print outs -many sentences do not connect/make sense as it is literal word for word translate from the google app and of no use. How does the city plan to get feedback from these residents? on Twitter Share I have asked this question before and also called about the accessibility issue for individuals living in the neighbourhood for whom english is a second language and these are seniors who do not use the computer. In order to read the translation off of google from the Q&A you need to sign up for an account. We have been trying to support each other for translation. Both the card that was mailed to us on June 8 and the website has contents in english only. The translation page print outs -many sentences do not connect/make sense as it is literal word for word translate from the google app and of no use. How does the city plan to get feedback from these residents? on Linkedin Email I have asked this question before and also called about the accessibility issue for individuals living in the neighbourhood for whom english is a second language and these are seniors who do not use the computer. In order to read the translation off of google from the Q&A you need to sign up for an account. We have been trying to support each other for translation. Both the card that was mailed to us on June 8 and the website has contents in english only. The translation page print outs -many sentences do not connect/make sense as it is literal word for word translate from the google app and of no use. How does the city plan to get feedback from these residents? link

    I have asked this question before and also called about the accessibility issue for individuals living in the neighbourhood for whom english is a second language and these are seniors who do not use the computer. In order to read the translation off of google from the Q&A you need to sign up for an account. We have been trying to support each other for translation. Both the card that was mailed to us on June 8 and the website has contents in english only. The translation page print outs -many sentences do not connect/make sense as it is literal word for word translate from the google app and of no use. How does the city plan to get feedback from these residents?

    Teyang asked about 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question. The City acknowledges that we cannot control the quality of the Google translation tool. The tool’s main purpose is for navigation and getting a general sense of the content of the page. More complex and specialized topics, like rezoning, can sometimes prove to be a challenge for this tool. 

    Alternatively, anyone wishing to connect to our translation service is encouraged to call 311 and the CSR (customer service rep) can connect you to our third-party interpretation service. Once connected to an interpreter, you or your neighbours can give feedback (via interpreter) and then the CSR can either submit directly into the project’s Shape Your City page or email the Rezoning Planner directly. Once received, the Rezoning Planner will record and summarize the comments received in the Council Report.

  • Share Will this be an actively monitored and patrolled parkade regardless of the commercial retail businesses being considered? What guarantees. or protections will be in place to ensure the safety of those who live in and around the area? on Facebook Share Will this be an actively monitored and patrolled parkade regardless of the commercial retail businesses being considered? What guarantees. or protections will be in place to ensure the safety of those who live in and around the area? on Twitter Share Will this be an actively monitored and patrolled parkade regardless of the commercial retail businesses being considered? What guarantees. or protections will be in place to ensure the safety of those who live in and around the area? on Linkedin Email Will this be an actively monitored and patrolled parkade regardless of the commercial retail businesses being considered? What guarantees. or protections will be in place to ensure the safety of those who live in and around the area? link

    Will this be an actively monitored and patrolled parkade regardless of the commercial retail businesses being considered? What guarantees. or protections will be in place to ensure the safety of those who live in and around the area?

    Michael B asked about 3 years ago

    The parking bylaw has a requirement for a security gate for residential parking. Details like these would usually be addressed later at the development permit stage. The details about security standards for parking garages can be found in Section 4.13 of the Parking Bylaw (page 31 of 32 of the PDF). 

    Usually applicants would propose a main gate at the parkade entrance from the City street. This gate is left open during the business hours of the retail to allow commercial access. Residents will have their own fobs to open the main gate when that is closed. There will also be a gate separating the commercial and residential parking which requires a fob at all times. Details like these will be reviewed and confirmed at the later development permit stage if the rezoning application is approved by Council.

  • Share Why is the City looking at developing a semi-commercial building in a completely residential neighborhood rather than extending the existing commercial areas from 49th-51st Ave for this type of development? on Facebook Share Why is the City looking at developing a semi-commercial building in a completely residential neighborhood rather than extending the existing commercial areas from 49th-51st Ave for this type of development? on Twitter Share Why is the City looking at developing a semi-commercial building in a completely residential neighborhood rather than extending the existing commercial areas from 49th-51st Ave for this type of development? on Linkedin Email Why is the City looking at developing a semi-commercial building in a completely residential neighborhood rather than extending the existing commercial areas from 49th-51st Ave for this type of development? link

    Why is the City looking at developing a semi-commercial building in a completely residential neighborhood rather than extending the existing commercial areas from 49th-51st Ave for this type of development?

    SSB asked about 3 years ago

    The Affordable Housing Choices Interim Rezoning Policy, which allows buildings up to six storeys on arterial roads such as Main Street. Applicants are encouraged to include ground floor commercial spaces to provide services for a growing population and access to local employment opportunities..

    The City recently commissioned a report to review employment areas in Vancouver considering the impacts of Covid-19. The report found that as the local economy recovers from the pandemic and the population continues to grow, there will be significant demand for retail and small office commercial spaces city-wide.

  • Share Can the developer convert the proposed daycare into any other establishment? on Facebook Share Can the developer convert the proposed daycare into any other establishment? on Twitter Share Can the developer convert the proposed daycare into any other establishment? on Linkedin Email Can the developer convert the proposed daycare into any other establishment? link

    Can the developer convert the proposed daycare into any other establishment?

    Trevor Lobo asked about 3 years ago

    The proposal includes a private childcare facility that would be considered a commercial use for the purposes of the rezoning and therefore could potentially be used for other compatible commercial uses. If the application is approved by Council, the application would then proceed on to a development and building permit processes and the space for the facility would be designed appropriately for a private childcare. 

    Staff note that childcare supply overall is significantly deficient in this area. For 0-5yrs, only 41% of childcare need is met in the neighbourhood (Sunset), and for 0-3yrs (infant/toddlers) this number is even lower, only 30%. There is a pressing need for 0-5yr childcare in Vancouver, especially for infant & toddler childcare. For the whole of the city, only 22% of childcare need for 0-3yrs is currently being met, with a shortfall of over 5,500 spaces. The need is so dire that many families travel across neighbourhood boundaries (and sometimes municipal ones) to access childcare. Because of this, the City is deeply committed to childcare creation in all neighbourhoods, especially in the form of new builds which generates higher-quality childcare spaces than retrofits.

  • Share Several of your response indicate "Should this project proceed to a Public Hearing, members of the public will have an opportunity to speak directly to Mayor and Council at that time". The AHC expressly requires that a degree of public support be demonstrated and when so many of us living in the neighbourhood are opposed this rezoning application why can’t we have a public hearing? Can you inform us the criteria for the project to go to public hearing? on Facebook Share Several of your response indicate "Should this project proceed to a Public Hearing, members of the public will have an opportunity to speak directly to Mayor and Council at that time". The AHC expressly requires that a degree of public support be demonstrated and when so many of us living in the neighbourhood are opposed this rezoning application why can’t we have a public hearing? Can you inform us the criteria for the project to go to public hearing? on Twitter Share Several of your response indicate "Should this project proceed to a Public Hearing, members of the public will have an opportunity to speak directly to Mayor and Council at that time". The AHC expressly requires that a degree of public support be demonstrated and when so many of us living in the neighbourhood are opposed this rezoning application why can’t we have a public hearing? Can you inform us the criteria for the project to go to public hearing? on Linkedin Email Several of your response indicate "Should this project proceed to a Public Hearing, members of the public will have an opportunity to speak directly to Mayor and Council at that time". The AHC expressly requires that a degree of public support be demonstrated and when so many of us living in the neighbourhood are opposed this rezoning application why can’t we have a public hearing? Can you inform us the criteria for the project to go to public hearing? link

    Several of your response indicate "Should this project proceed to a Public Hearing, members of the public will have an opportunity to speak directly to Mayor and Council at that time". The AHC expressly requires that a degree of public support be demonstrated and when so many of us living in the neighbourhood are opposed this rezoning application why can’t we have a public hearing? Can you inform us the criteria for the project to go to public hearing?

    Teyang asked about 3 years ago

    The project is still in the engagement phase and the early stages of the staff technical review. Sometimes, a rezoning project may not end up proceeding to a Public Hearing for one reason or another e.g. project viability issues etc. so that statement is in place as sometimes that is the case. If this project proceeds through the rezoning process, the project has to be presented for Mayor and Council’s consideration. This is another opportunity for members of the public to provide their comments on the application by speaking directly to Mayor and Council. 

    For more details about the rezoning process , please see the following link: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/rezoning-applications.aspx 

    For more details on how to speak at a Public Hearing, please see following link: https://vancouver.ca/your-government/city-council-meetings-and-decisions.aspx 

  • Share The density proposed by this project potentially has an extremely negative detrimental impact on the surrounding neighbourhood it serves. What controls and processes have been put in place to ensure that the 6 story combination commercial and residential structure does not overwhelm the surrounding neighbourhoods in terms of traffic and parking? Has the city planned for this? The plan boats 124 market rental spots with 102 vehicle parking spaces. The parking spaces are not enough to serve the direct residents of the building itself while it does not include the additional traffic and park brought to and from the building from visitors, multi car households and now we are adding a series of commercial developments. In viewing other developments in which parking has been limited or not provided to all residents of buildings, there is a noticeable disruption and overflow of parking onto the surrounding neighbourhoods and blocks which has both served to limit access to residents in the surrounding areas as well as prevent movement navigating in and out of the area. on Facebook Share The density proposed by this project potentially has an extremely negative detrimental impact on the surrounding neighbourhood it serves. What controls and processes have been put in place to ensure that the 6 story combination commercial and residential structure does not overwhelm the surrounding neighbourhoods in terms of traffic and parking? Has the city planned for this? The plan boats 124 market rental spots with 102 vehicle parking spaces. The parking spaces are not enough to serve the direct residents of the building itself while it does not include the additional traffic and park brought to and from the building from visitors, multi car households and now we are adding a series of commercial developments. In viewing other developments in which parking has been limited or not provided to all residents of buildings, there is a noticeable disruption and overflow of parking onto the surrounding neighbourhoods and blocks which has both served to limit access to residents in the surrounding areas as well as prevent movement navigating in and out of the area. on Twitter Share The density proposed by this project potentially has an extremely negative detrimental impact on the surrounding neighbourhood it serves. What controls and processes have been put in place to ensure that the 6 story combination commercial and residential structure does not overwhelm the surrounding neighbourhoods in terms of traffic and parking? Has the city planned for this? The plan boats 124 market rental spots with 102 vehicle parking spaces. The parking spaces are not enough to serve the direct residents of the building itself while it does not include the additional traffic and park brought to and from the building from visitors, multi car households and now we are adding a series of commercial developments. In viewing other developments in which parking has been limited or not provided to all residents of buildings, there is a noticeable disruption and overflow of parking onto the surrounding neighbourhoods and blocks which has both served to limit access to residents in the surrounding areas as well as prevent movement navigating in and out of the area. on Linkedin Email The density proposed by this project potentially has an extremely negative detrimental impact on the surrounding neighbourhood it serves. What controls and processes have been put in place to ensure that the 6 story combination commercial and residential structure does not overwhelm the surrounding neighbourhoods in terms of traffic and parking? Has the city planned for this? The plan boats 124 market rental spots with 102 vehicle parking spaces. The parking spaces are not enough to serve the direct residents of the building itself while it does not include the additional traffic and park brought to and from the building from visitors, multi car households and now we are adding a series of commercial developments. In viewing other developments in which parking has been limited or not provided to all residents of buildings, there is a noticeable disruption and overflow of parking onto the surrounding neighbourhoods and blocks which has both served to limit access to residents in the surrounding areas as well as prevent movement navigating in and out of the area. link

    The density proposed by this project potentially has an extremely negative detrimental impact on the surrounding neighbourhood it serves. What controls and processes have been put in place to ensure that the 6 story combination commercial and residential structure does not overwhelm the surrounding neighbourhoods in terms of traffic and parking? Has the city planned for this? The plan boats 124 market rental spots with 102 vehicle parking spaces. The parking spaces are not enough to serve the direct residents of the building itself while it does not include the additional traffic and park brought to and from the building from visitors, multi car households and now we are adding a series of commercial developments. In viewing other developments in which parking has been limited or not provided to all residents of buildings, there is a noticeable disruption and overflow of parking onto the surrounding neighbourhoods and blocks which has both served to limit access to residents in the surrounding areas as well as prevent movement navigating in and out of the area.

    Michael B asked about 3 years ago

    The development is well situated to encourage reduced vehicle trip and overall parking demand. The site is on a frequent transit route (#3 bus serving Downtown and Marine Drive Station) as well as near to the Ontario Street bike route to the west and Prince Edward bike route to the east. Engineering staff will however continue to monitor nearby street parking demand and if there are concerns with adequate parking availability, additional parking restrictions may be explored, e.g. residential parking permits, time-limited parking. For more information on changing an existing parking permit zone please see the following information: (Requesting a new or changing an existing permit zone)