809 W 41st Ave rezoning application

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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on June 21, 2022

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 809 W 41st Ave. The proposal is to amend CD-1 (34) (Comprehensive Development) District to allow for the development of an 18-storey mixed-use building with ground floor commercial retail space. This proposal includes:

  • 131 secured residential rental units (20% of floor area assigned to moderate income housing)
  • Commercial retail space at grade
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 7.14
  • A gross floor area of 11,137.8 sq. m (119,887 sq. ft.)
  • A building height of 59.1 m (194 ft.) with additional height for a rooftop amenity space
  • 85 vehicle parking spaces and 254 bicycle parking spaces

The application is being considered under the Oakridge Transit Centre and Adjacent Sites Policy Statement.

In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we will be holding an extended online question and answer (Q&A) period in place of an in-person open house for this project.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 809 W 41st Ave. The proposal is to amend CD-1 (34) (Comprehensive Development) District to allow for the development of an 18-storey mixed-use building with ground floor commercial retail space. This proposal includes:

  • 131 secured residential rental units (20% of floor area assigned to moderate income housing)
  • Commercial retail space at grade
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 7.14
  • A gross floor area of 11,137.8 sq. m (119,887 sq. ft.)
  • A building height of 59.1 m (194 ft.) with additional height for a rooftop amenity space
  • 85 vehicle parking spaces and 254 bicycle parking spaces

The application is being considered under the Oakridge Transit Centre and Adjacent Sites Policy Statement.

In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we will be holding an extended online question and answer (Q&A) period in place of an in-person open house for this project.

This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on June 21, 2022

Q&A is available from April 19 to May 9, 2021.

Q&A replaces in-person open houses, which are on hold due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days.

  • Share Vancouver's Urban Forest Strategy calls for "protecting and expanding the urban forest in our city." The declared Climate Emergency Action Plan "Big Move 6" calls for "nature-based carbon sequestration." What is the intention for expansion of the urban forest on the 809 W 41st site? on Facebook Share Vancouver's Urban Forest Strategy calls for "protecting and expanding the urban forest in our city." The declared Climate Emergency Action Plan "Big Move 6" calls for "nature-based carbon sequestration." What is the intention for expansion of the urban forest on the 809 W 41st site? on Twitter Share Vancouver's Urban Forest Strategy calls for "protecting and expanding the urban forest in our city." The declared Climate Emergency Action Plan "Big Move 6" calls for "nature-based carbon sequestration." What is the intention for expansion of the urban forest on the 809 W 41st site? on Linkedin Email Vancouver's Urban Forest Strategy calls for "protecting and expanding the urban forest in our city." The declared Climate Emergency Action Plan "Big Move 6" calls for "nature-based carbon sequestration." What is the intention for expansion of the urban forest on the 809 W 41st site? link

    Vancouver's Urban Forest Strategy calls for "protecting and expanding the urban forest in our city." The declared Climate Emergency Action Plan "Big Move 6" calls for "nature-based carbon sequestration." What is the intention for expansion of the urban forest on the 809 W 41st site?

    MED asked almost 4 years ago

    The proposal includes up to 20 new on-site trees, as well as up to 14 new City trees on adjacent streets. This includes retention of five existing City street trees, the addition of up to 11 additional City trees (double row) along W 41st Ave, and three new City trees along Willow St. On site, a Scotch Pine at the northeast corner will be retained. At the lane, a row of landscape buffering and five new trees are proposed. Four on-site trees are proposed along W 41st Ave. At the seventh storey, a green roof is proposed with shrubs and grasses. At the rooftop amenity level, various grasses, plantings, urban agriculture, and up to 11 trees are proposed.