810 Kingsway rezoning application

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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on January 19th, 2021.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 810 Kingsway. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 6-storey mixed-use building. The zoning would change from C-2 (Commercial) to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal includes:

  • 108 secured market rental residential units
  • Commercial uses at grade
  • Floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.65
  • Floor area of 8,349 sq. m. (89,868 sq. ft.)
  • Maximum height of 22 m (72 ft.)
  • 99 vehicle parking spaces and 196 bicycle parking spaces

The application is being considered under the Secured Market Rental Housing Policy.

In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), an extended online question and answer (Q&A) period was held in place of an in-person open house for this project.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 810 Kingsway. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 6-storey mixed-use building. The zoning would change from C-2 (Commercial) to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal includes:

  • 108 secured market rental residential units
  • Commercial uses at grade
  • Floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.65
  • Floor area of 8,349 sq. m. (89,868 sq. ft.)
  • Maximum height of 22 m (72 ft.)
  • 99 vehicle parking spaces and 196 bicycle parking spaces

The application is being considered under the Secured Market Rental Housing Policy.

In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), an extended online question and answer (Q&A) period was held in place of an in-person open house for this project.

This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on January 19th, 2021.

  • Share The long hallway, and 90 degree turn to access the parkade from the western side of the building, could leave some feeling unsafe, are there any measures that could be taken to address this? on Facebook Share The long hallway, and 90 degree turn to access the parkade from the western side of the building, could leave some feeling unsafe, are there any measures that could be taken to address this? on Twitter Share The long hallway, and 90 degree turn to access the parkade from the western side of the building, could leave some feeling unsafe, are there any measures that could be taken to address this? on Linkedin Email The long hallway, and 90 degree turn to access the parkade from the western side of the building, could leave some feeling unsafe, are there any measures that could be taken to address this? link

    The long hallway, and 90 degree turn to access the parkade from the western side of the building, could leave some feeling unsafe, are there any measures that could be taken to address this?

    Tavia asked over 4 years ago

    There are a range of ways to improve perceptions of safety such as reducing the length of the hallway or removing the angle to provide a clear line of sight. More activity could also be brought into this area to provide opportunities for passive surveillance. Access to the parkade and circulation at the ground level will be further assessed by the Urban Design Panel and Staff reviews.

  • Share It feels like this large site could easily handle a taller building, especially with such a prominent corner at Prince Albert & Kingsway. As council has approved taller proposals nearby under the MIRHP Program, would city staff consider allowing for a similar height here? on Facebook Share It feels like this large site could easily handle a taller building, especially with such a prominent corner at Prince Albert & Kingsway. As council has approved taller proposals nearby under the MIRHP Program, would city staff consider allowing for a similar height here? on Twitter Share It feels like this large site could easily handle a taller building, especially with such a prominent corner at Prince Albert & Kingsway. As council has approved taller proposals nearby under the MIRHP Program, would city staff consider allowing for a similar height here? on Linkedin Email It feels like this large site could easily handle a taller building, especially with such a prominent corner at Prince Albert & Kingsway. As council has approved taller proposals nearby under the MIRHP Program, would city staff consider allowing for a similar height here? link

    It feels like this large site could easily handle a taller building, especially with such a prominent corner at Prince Albert & Kingsway. As council has approved taller proposals nearby under the MIRHP Program, would city staff consider allowing for a similar height here?

    Silent_Echo asked over 4 years ago

    As this site is zoned C-2 and is not located on an arterial intersection, the Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program (MIRHPP) does not allow proposals greater than 6 storeys. You can view more details for allowable heights on page 6 of the MIRHPP Policy document.

  • Share When is the planned construction start and how long would it take to complete? Is it possible to have more townhouses vs. apartments - that will help it go well with the single family houses around? on Facebook Share When is the planned construction start and how long would it take to complete? Is it possible to have more townhouses vs. apartments - that will help it go well with the single family houses around? on Twitter Share When is the planned construction start and how long would it take to complete? Is it possible to have more townhouses vs. apartments - that will help it go well with the single family houses around? on Linkedin Email When is the planned construction start and how long would it take to complete? Is it possible to have more townhouses vs. apartments - that will help it go well with the single family houses around? link

    When is the planned construction start and how long would it take to complete? Is it possible to have more townhouses vs. apartments - that will help it go well with the single family houses around?

    Tushar12 asked over 4 years ago

    If this proposal is passed by Council and proceeds forward, construction could start in the Fall 2021 and would take approximately 22 months until completion. 

    Whether there could be more townhouses rather than apartments, the proposal currently meets the minimum requirements of the Housing Mix Policy for Rezoning Projects. The proposed location of the townhouses aims to provide a transition between the apartments on Kingsway and the single family houses across the rear lane.