900 W Georgia St rezoning application

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This application was withdrawn in June 2024.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 900 W Georgia St. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 12-storey office building while retaining the heritage designated, Hotel Vancouver building. The zoning would change from DD (Downtown) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal includes:

  • Commercial retail space at grade;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 13.0;
  • A floor area of 24,603 sq. m (264,732 sq. ft.);
  • A building height of 69 m (225 ft.); and
  • 201 vehicle parking spaces and 226 bicycle parking spaces.

The application is being considered under the Rezoning Policy for the CBD and CBD Shoulder, Downtown Official Development Plan and the Metro Core Jobs and Economy Land Use Plan.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 900 W Georgia St. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 12-storey office building while retaining the heritage designated, Hotel Vancouver building. The zoning would change from DD (Downtown) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal includes:

  • Commercial retail space at grade;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 13.0;
  • A floor area of 24,603 sq. m (264,732 sq. ft.);
  • A building height of 69 m (225 ft.); and
  • 201 vehicle parking spaces and 226 bicycle parking spaces.

The application is being considered under the Rezoning Policy for the CBD and CBD Shoulder, Downtown Official Development Plan and the Metro Core Jobs and Economy Land Use Plan.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

This application was withdrawn in June 2024.

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from April 19 to May 2, 2023.

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the virtual open house time period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share I looked through the application booklet and I can't seem to find any renderings of what currently exists below grade for the new office site. Where would I find those? I'm also unclear about the swimming pool. Its outdoor? At the bottom of that great dark pit that's being created with this office building jammed up against the hotel? I also noted all the parking is valet. Has any thought been put into how long it will take to deliver cars to guests leaving an event all at the same time? My other concern is there only being 300 spots for both the office and the hotel. Is this realistic? How many spots does the hotel currently have available? on Facebook Share I looked through the application booklet and I can't seem to find any renderings of what currently exists below grade for the new office site. Where would I find those? I'm also unclear about the swimming pool. Its outdoor? At the bottom of that great dark pit that's being created with this office building jammed up against the hotel? I also noted all the parking is valet. Has any thought been put into how long it will take to deliver cars to guests leaving an event all at the same time? My other concern is there only being 300 spots for both the office and the hotel. Is this realistic? How many spots does the hotel currently have available? on Twitter Share I looked through the application booklet and I can't seem to find any renderings of what currently exists below grade for the new office site. Where would I find those? I'm also unclear about the swimming pool. Its outdoor? At the bottom of that great dark pit that's being created with this office building jammed up against the hotel? I also noted all the parking is valet. Has any thought been put into how long it will take to deliver cars to guests leaving an event all at the same time? My other concern is there only being 300 spots for both the office and the hotel. Is this realistic? How many spots does the hotel currently have available? on Linkedin Email I looked through the application booklet and I can't seem to find any renderings of what currently exists below grade for the new office site. Where would I find those? I'm also unclear about the swimming pool. Its outdoor? At the bottom of that great dark pit that's being created with this office building jammed up against the hotel? I also noted all the parking is valet. Has any thought been put into how long it will take to deliver cars to guests leaving an event all at the same time? My other concern is there only being 300 spots for both the office and the hotel. Is this realistic? How many spots does the hotel currently have available? link

    I looked through the application booklet and I can't seem to find any renderings of what currently exists below grade for the new office site. Where would I find those? I'm also unclear about the swimming pool. Its outdoor? At the bottom of that great dark pit that's being created with this office building jammed up against the hotel? I also noted all the parking is valet. Has any thought been put into how long it will take to deliver cars to guests leaving an event all at the same time? My other concern is there only being 300 spots for both the office and the hotel. Is this realistic? How many spots does the hotel currently have available?

    msismey asked almost 2 years ago

    Thanks for the questions. The following response has been provided by the applicant. 

    Q: I looked through the application booklet and I can't seem to find any renderings of what currently exists below grade for the new office site. Where would I find those? 

    A: The existing below grade spaces were not submitted as they will be removed.  They are, however, back of house spaces that will be accommodated prior to construction beginning. 

    Q: I'm also unclear about the swimming pool. Its outdoor? At the bottom of that great dark pit that's being created with this office building jammed up against the hotel? I also noted all the parking is valet. Has any thought been put into how long it will take to deliver cars to guests leaving an event all at the same time?

    A: Yes. Yes. This has been considered in the Transportation Assessment and Management Study included with the application.  

    Q: My other concern is there only being 300 spots for both the office and the hotel. Is this realistic? How many spots does the hotel currently have available?  

    A: Please refer to the aforementioned study. The 777 Hornby parkade provides a total of 457 secured stalls over 8 levels and accommodates the majority of the parking demand generated by the existing site. The proposed new stalls will augment this supply.

  • Share I am unclear about the new hotel vehicular entrance which will be accessed via the parking level which is also access for utility vehicles which is also providing back of house space and bicycle parking. It seems like alot. And it's all accessed via a narrow laneway? This is the problem with this " virtual" open house. It provides virtually nothing of these details which are critical. Have they (;the owners) of the Hotel Vancouver provided how much of a revenue loss will be incurred during construction or why hotel rooms aren't part of the new addition which the city does need and office space instead which the city does not? None of this makes sense as a sound economic plan for the financial well being of the Hotel Vancouver. The "temporary" vehicular pick up and drop off cannot take place on Burrard or Georgia which are HOV lanes and Hornby already has a lane taken up as a bike lane making that street unusable as well. What is your other option that is actually possible? on Facebook Share I am unclear about the new hotel vehicular entrance which will be accessed via the parking level which is also access for utility vehicles which is also providing back of house space and bicycle parking. It seems like alot. And it's all accessed via a narrow laneway? This is the problem with this " virtual" open house. It provides virtually nothing of these details which are critical. Have they (;the owners) of the Hotel Vancouver provided how much of a revenue loss will be incurred during construction or why hotel rooms aren't part of the new addition which the city does need and office space instead which the city does not? None of this makes sense as a sound economic plan for the financial well being of the Hotel Vancouver. The "temporary" vehicular pick up and drop off cannot take place on Burrard or Georgia which are HOV lanes and Hornby already has a lane taken up as a bike lane making that street unusable as well. What is your other option that is actually possible? on Twitter Share I am unclear about the new hotel vehicular entrance which will be accessed via the parking level which is also access for utility vehicles which is also providing back of house space and bicycle parking. It seems like alot. And it's all accessed via a narrow laneway? This is the problem with this " virtual" open house. It provides virtually nothing of these details which are critical. Have they (;the owners) of the Hotel Vancouver provided how much of a revenue loss will be incurred during construction or why hotel rooms aren't part of the new addition which the city does need and office space instead which the city does not? None of this makes sense as a sound economic plan for the financial well being of the Hotel Vancouver. The "temporary" vehicular pick up and drop off cannot take place on Burrard or Georgia which are HOV lanes and Hornby already has a lane taken up as a bike lane making that street unusable as well. What is your other option that is actually possible? on Linkedin Email I am unclear about the new hotel vehicular entrance which will be accessed via the parking level which is also access for utility vehicles which is also providing back of house space and bicycle parking. It seems like alot. And it's all accessed via a narrow laneway? This is the problem with this " virtual" open house. It provides virtually nothing of these details which are critical. Have they (;the owners) of the Hotel Vancouver provided how much of a revenue loss will be incurred during construction or why hotel rooms aren't part of the new addition which the city does need and office space instead which the city does not? None of this makes sense as a sound economic plan for the financial well being of the Hotel Vancouver. The "temporary" vehicular pick up and drop off cannot take place on Burrard or Georgia which are HOV lanes and Hornby already has a lane taken up as a bike lane making that street unusable as well. What is your other option that is actually possible? link

    I am unclear about the new hotel vehicular entrance which will be accessed via the parking level which is also access for utility vehicles which is also providing back of house space and bicycle parking. It seems like alot. And it's all accessed via a narrow laneway? This is the problem with this " virtual" open house. It provides virtually nothing of these details which are critical. Have they (;the owners) of the Hotel Vancouver provided how much of a revenue loss will be incurred during construction or why hotel rooms aren't part of the new addition which the city does need and office space instead which the city does not? None of this makes sense as a sound economic plan for the financial well being of the Hotel Vancouver. The "temporary" vehicular pick up and drop off cannot take place on Burrard or Georgia which are HOV lanes and Hornby already has a lane taken up as a bike lane making that street unusable as well. What is your other option that is actually possible?

    msismey asked almost 2 years ago

    Thanks for the questions. The following response has been provided by the applicant team:

    All deliveries will be made via the freight elevator and it will not conflict with conventional pick up and drop off.  As for the economic viability, the owners are satisfied with the return on investment. As for street drop off, our transportation consultant will provide the analysis as to which road will be the best to use.

  • Share In answer to my last question you said the back of house departments located in several levels below street grade over THE ENTRE SITE will be relocated to the existing hotel. How are you going to manage this amazing feat? I'm seriously asking. Can I see the details of how this reorganization will be accomplished? on Facebook Share In answer to my last question you said the back of house departments located in several levels below street grade over THE ENTRE SITE will be relocated to the existing hotel. How are you going to manage this amazing feat? I'm seriously asking. Can I see the details of how this reorganization will be accomplished? on Twitter Share In answer to my last question you said the back of house departments located in several levels below street grade over THE ENTRE SITE will be relocated to the existing hotel. How are you going to manage this amazing feat? I'm seriously asking. Can I see the details of how this reorganization will be accomplished? on Linkedin Email In answer to my last question you said the back of house departments located in several levels below street grade over THE ENTRE SITE will be relocated to the existing hotel. How are you going to manage this amazing feat? I'm seriously asking. Can I see the details of how this reorganization will be accomplished? link

    In answer to my last question you said the back of house departments located in several levels below street grade over THE ENTRE SITE will be relocated to the existing hotel. How are you going to manage this amazing feat? I'm seriously asking. Can I see the details of how this reorganization will be accomplished?

    msismey asked almost 2 years ago

    Thanks for the questions. The following response has been provided by the applicant team:

    Many of the underground spaces in the existing hotel are currently under-utilized and as such they will be used more efficiently to enable this construction to advance. Similarly, electrical and mechanical equipment will be right sized and modernized to require less space.

  • Share What are the economic impacts on the Hotel itself? Does this addition include where and how the several floors below this site containing critical operations management departments for the hotel will be relocated? Are they able to remain financially viable with the south side of the hotel unusable during construction and significantly less desirable post build? Where will vehicular drop off/check in be relocated? Where will the check in lobby be relocated? This new building has a ballroom planned. What floor? How will it be accessed? Is the new building directly connected accessible via the Vancouver hotel itself? Why is this virtual open house so poorly presented, with no narrative, specs or notes of details like where the main entrance is or if its green rated and how.. I don't know if this building is carbon zero but I'm sure zero effort put into creating the virtual open house. Grade awarded D minus. Fail. on Facebook Share What are the economic impacts on the Hotel itself? Does this addition include where and how the several floors below this site containing critical operations management departments for the hotel will be relocated? Are they able to remain financially viable with the south side of the hotel unusable during construction and significantly less desirable post build? Where will vehicular drop off/check in be relocated? Where will the check in lobby be relocated? This new building has a ballroom planned. What floor? How will it be accessed? Is the new building directly connected accessible via the Vancouver hotel itself? Why is this virtual open house so poorly presented, with no narrative, specs or notes of details like where the main entrance is or if its green rated and how.. I don't know if this building is carbon zero but I'm sure zero effort put into creating the virtual open house. Grade awarded D minus. Fail. on Twitter Share What are the economic impacts on the Hotel itself? Does this addition include where and how the several floors below this site containing critical operations management departments for the hotel will be relocated? Are they able to remain financially viable with the south side of the hotel unusable during construction and significantly less desirable post build? Where will vehicular drop off/check in be relocated? Where will the check in lobby be relocated? This new building has a ballroom planned. What floor? How will it be accessed? Is the new building directly connected accessible via the Vancouver hotel itself? Why is this virtual open house so poorly presented, with no narrative, specs or notes of details like where the main entrance is or if its green rated and how.. I don't know if this building is carbon zero but I'm sure zero effort put into creating the virtual open house. Grade awarded D minus. Fail. on Linkedin Email What are the economic impacts on the Hotel itself? Does this addition include where and how the several floors below this site containing critical operations management departments for the hotel will be relocated? Are they able to remain financially viable with the south side of the hotel unusable during construction and significantly less desirable post build? Where will vehicular drop off/check in be relocated? Where will the check in lobby be relocated? This new building has a ballroom planned. What floor? How will it be accessed? Is the new building directly connected accessible via the Vancouver hotel itself? Why is this virtual open house so poorly presented, with no narrative, specs or notes of details like where the main entrance is or if its green rated and how.. I don't know if this building is carbon zero but I'm sure zero effort put into creating the virtual open house. Grade awarded D minus. Fail. link

    What are the economic impacts on the Hotel itself? Does this addition include where and how the several floors below this site containing critical operations management departments for the hotel will be relocated? Are they able to remain financially viable with the south side of the hotel unusable during construction and significantly less desirable post build? Where will vehicular drop off/check in be relocated? Where will the check in lobby be relocated? This new building has a ballroom planned. What floor? How will it be accessed? Is the new building directly connected accessible via the Vancouver hotel itself? Why is this virtual open house so poorly presented, with no narrative, specs or notes of details like where the main entrance is or if its green rated and how.. I don't know if this building is carbon zero but I'm sure zero effort put into creating the virtual open house. Grade awarded D minus. Fail.

    msismey asked almost 2 years ago

    Thanks for the questions. The response below has been provided by the applicant. - Nick

    What are the economic impacts on the Hotel itself? The intent of the Hotel Vancouver rezoning is to expand upon the existing Hotel amenities, build new office space, and create below grade loading, servicing, and parking that will improve the operations of the facility and provide a more publicly active ground plane. A new pedestrian mews will cut through the site connecting Burrard street to Hornby Street providing porosity through the block and greater connectivity between the surrounding neighbourhoods. The additional office space, restaurants and retail will add to the mixed use vitality and synergy of the facility. The proposal for the addition will also house an expanded BC Ballroom, spa, hotel support areas and amenity facilities that will greatly enhance this landmark Hotel.  (Note – the existing BC Ballroom will be reduced in size by 50% and will become pre-function space for the new ballroom)

    Does this addition include where and how the several floors below this site containing critical operations management departments for the hotel will be relocated? Yes. The underground floor uses will be relocated to the underground of the existing hotel. The underground of the new addition will include ample Back of House spaces, bicycle parking, utility and vehicular parking.

    Are they able to remain financially viable with the south side of the hotel unusable during construction and significantly less desirable post build? Yes. The construction management plan, including a phased construction plan, will ensure continued operations of the hotel throughout construction.

     Where will vehicular drop off/check in be relocated? After completion, it will continue to be at the south side of the existing hotel accessed via laneways off of Hornby and Burrard, and employing use of passenger and commercial vehicle elevators.  During construction, we aim to arrange for pick up/drop off from Hornby or Burrard or Georgia.  

     Where will the check in lobby be relocated? Check in will remain as is. During construction, check-in may need to be located elsewhere in the hotel lobby.

     This new building has a ballroom planned. What floor? How will it be accessed? Level 1, directly adjacent and accessible via the existing BC Ballroom in the hotel. See page 29 of application booklet.

     Is the new building directly connected accessible via the Vancouver hotel itself? Yes, on levels 1 and 2.