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Accessibility strategy survey

Share your thoughts about accessibility by taking the survey below before July 31, 2021.

Your feedback will be used to inform and guide the development of phase 1 of the draft Accessibility Strategy for the City of Vancouver. 

You may also share feedback via email by sending it to .

We are looking for feedback from persons with lived experience of disabilities, family members, caregivers and organizations providing services. 

The survey consists of nine questions, three of which are open-ended questions that will assist us to better understand peoples’ views on what an accessible city should look like, what gets in the way of the city being accessible and ideas and suggestions of how to make the city more accessible. We want to learn about your experiences with your community – what helps you to feel welcomed and included and what are the things that stop you from participating in your community.

When completing the survey, remember that municipal governments are responsible for everyday things that make a city run (like what gets built where, water and sewers, garbage pickup and street cleaning).  Different levels of government are responsible for different aspects of daily life. For example, while we have taken steps to address gaps in affordable housing and child care, these areas are responsibilities that lie with senior governments. Other areas, like transportation and environmental protection, are shared responsibilities between all levels of government.

Information gathered through this survey will be used to support the development of the draft Accessibility Strategy.  Survey results will be published inaggregate, and no individual responses will be made public. A summary of the survey will be shared in late summer/early fall. We are committed to protecting your privacy. Any personal information you provide to us is managed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other applicable legislation. Any personal information that we do collect from you will only be used for the purpose of informing the work on the draft Accessibility Strategy, and for statistical purposes. 

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