Strathcona traffic calming
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Community engagement has concluded.
The City of Vancouver is advancing new traffic calming measures in Strathcona on local residential streets. The program area is bound by Prior/Venables St, Clark Dr, E Hastings St and Gore Ave.
What's happening?
- In March and April 2022, we collected community feedback via online discussion sessions and an online survey.
- The purpose of the engagement was to understand local traffic concerns, including which traffic calming measures work well, and how we can implement similar measures elsewhere in the neighbourhood.
- In May 2022, we analysed the feedback received via the online survey, discussion sessions, and other correspondence. You can read our engagement summary.
- With general support for the proposed traffic calming measures, staff have refined the designs and anticipate implementing the changes using temporary materials between summer 2023 and fall 2024. These traffic calming measures will support reducing vehicle speeds and volumes. Staff will monitor their effectiveness in the months following installation. If successful, measures may be upgraded to permanent materials in the future.
The Traffic Calming Update aims to:
- Reduce vehicle speeds and volumes on local residential streets;
- Discourage shortcutting on local residential streets (for example, to avoid traffic congestion on arterial streets);
- Make local residential streets safer and more comfortable for walking, biking and rolling;
- Maintain emergency access;
- Ensure implementation measures are informed by an equitable engagement process.
Your input has helped us:
- Determine where there are traffic concerns in Strathcona
- Determine whether the proposed changes can be implemented and if further considerations are necessary
What next
We are now moving towards implementation of the identified traffic calming measures using quick-build materials. If additional community engagement is needed after implementation, we will return at a later date.