Kits Point transportation changes

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Aerial photograph of Kits Point facing east, with a view of Vanier Park, False Creek, the Burrard Bridge and downtown.

What’s happening?

In anticipation of community growth related to the Sen̓áḵw Development, the City of Vancouver is consulting with the Kitsilano community on proposed street modifications to respond to the development.


In anticipation of community growth related to the Sen̓áḵw Development, the City of Vancouver consulted the Kitsilano community on proposed street modifications to respond to the development.

Sen̓áḵw is a development project on 10.5-acres of lands under the governance of the Squamish Nation. It is being designed as a car-lite development with an emphasis on transit and active transportation. City of Vancouver land use policies and regulations are not applicable to these lands.

The City and the Squamish Nation have signed a Services Agreement where the City will deliver a range of municipal services to the Sen̓áḵw neighbourhood and the Squamish Nation will pay for these services at the same rates as property owners in Vancouver. The City is responsible for delivering multi-modal transportation and safety upgrades in surrounding neighbourhoods. The package of changes will be delivered in phases, starting in Kits Point, as proactive measures to connect people walking, biking and rolling to key destinations while minimizing traffic impacts on the surrounding area.

Next steps

Staff have now analyzed community feedback which can be found in our engagement summary (PDF, 2.7 MB). Based on community feedback, staff are advancing several design and parking modifications with the proposed transportation changes. Staff anticipate returning to the community in 2024 to review parking changes. Over the next two years, staff may also follow up with individual businesses and stakeholders as the proposed transportation changes are refined.

What’s happening?

In anticipation of community growth related to the Sen̓áḵw Development, the City of Vancouver is consulting with the Kitsilano community on proposed street modifications to respond to the development.


In anticipation of community growth related to the Sen̓áḵw Development, the City of Vancouver consulted the Kitsilano community on proposed street modifications to respond to the development.

Sen̓áḵw is a development project on 10.5-acres of lands under the governance of the Squamish Nation. It is being designed as a car-lite development with an emphasis on transit and active transportation. City of Vancouver land use policies and regulations are not applicable to these lands.

The City and the Squamish Nation have signed a Services Agreement where the City will deliver a range of municipal services to the Sen̓áḵw neighbourhood and the Squamish Nation will pay for these services at the same rates as property owners in Vancouver. The City is responsible for delivering multi-modal transportation and safety upgrades in surrounding neighbourhoods. The package of changes will be delivered in phases, starting in Kits Point, as proactive measures to connect people walking, biking and rolling to key destinations while minimizing traffic impacts on the surrounding area.

Next steps

Staff have now analyzed community feedback which can be found in our engagement summary (PDF, 2.7 MB). Based on community feedback, staff are advancing several design and parking modifications with the proposed transportation changes. Staff anticipate returning to the community in 2024 to review parking changes. Over the next two years, staff may also follow up with individual businesses and stakeholders as the proposed transportation changes are refined.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    In anticipation of community growth, the City of Vancouver is consulting with the Kits Point community on transportation changes related to the Sen̓áḵw Development.

    Thank you for your interest in this project. 

    Before completing the survey, you may want to review the proposed street modifications info sheet. Alternatively, you can also learn more at our online information session on February 16 or view the recording that will be posted on Wednesday, February 22. 

    If you or someone you know requires a paper copy of the survey, please email to request one. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. This survey will be open for feedback until Thursday, March 2.

    Part 1 of the survey will focus on the proposed street layout. Part 2 of the survey is about parking in Kits Point.

    A map of transportation changes in Kits Point including unidirectional bike lanes on Cypress St from Cornwall Ave to Greer Ave, a bidirectional bike lane on Greer Ave between Cypress St and Chestnut St, a unidirectional bike lane on Chestnut St between Cornwall Ave and Park Ln, intersection upgrades, and pedestrian infrastructure improvements.A map of proposed transportation changes in Kits Point.


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Page last updated: 13 Jun 2024, 02:39 PM